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Thanks to Camp's spring 2015 Work Weekenders



Thanks to Camp’s wild and wily spring work weekenders: Leina, Maddy, Dan and Maureen, Pat, Bill, Tammy, Jacque, Missy, Curt, Garrett, 


Little G, Joe, Bonnie, Michelle, David, Barb, Trudy, Dave, Carol, Marnie, Liz, Nancy P. and Alanna—I’m grateful to you all, and Camp is better for your loving attention.

You brought us encouraging spring weather with barely a sprinkle of rain and plenty of sunshine to help us accomplish the magnificent: You varnished windows at Cabin #11, fixed benches, split, stacked and moved a mountain of wood, re-stocked the adorably refurbished store, raked 10 million leaves, built a window for Cabin # 5, cut trees and brushed cabin views, fixed a stair in Cabin #1, split and hauled beautiful kindling, hung the Camp sign and set the flower box, washed windows and distributed and hung lots and lots of cabin curtains, fixed a drawer and took propane to Cabin #10, made coffee, cleaned the yurt, blew the conch and, most importantly (to some), hung the swings.

Then Little G encountered a wolf (wow) one day and Kurt met a moose (thrilling) at 2 am. Those two guys went swimming (yikes). Lovely Saturday night included massage, a conclave at the beach and a flute concert drifting out over Burntside Lake. We won’t mention this year’s prank (more than once) involving a sneaky application of barbeque sauce to a cabin doorknob. And then there was massage. Mmmmmm.

Your contributions of food gave us energy and made us smile. Thank you for the croissants, ham and cheese, the granola, veggie salad, cake, spaghetti and meatballs, lettuce salad, pasta salad, walnut salad, green salad, caramel rolls, hamentashen, casserole, pot pie, ribs, a few unplanned surprise offerings, and cookies galore.

Thank you, too, for the happy photographs many of you sent. I’ll forward mine and some of your terrific ones to the gang. Thank you for starting Camp’s spring season out with a lot of laughter, sweet times, persistent hard work and attitudes of loving contribution that will help sustain us through the summer.

With much gratitude,

Nancy jo