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Work Weekend - Fall 2011


Hello Work Weekenders,

Dear Friends,

You are a lovely bunch of coconuts! Thank you all for a wonderful work weekend: Barb and David, Lori and Grace, Patti, Taryn and Tammy, Missy and Kurt, Dan, Maureen and Jim the Jeweler, Dave, Trudi and Carol, Jim the Woodsman, Miranda, Peter, Kathy and Berta; and invisible but helpful (having come a week early) Marnie and Liz.

You made the very best of the good weather. The wood cutting, splitting, and stacking (2 1/2 wood sheds full) is worthy of a crew of lumber Jacks and Jills, and I know they will impress everyone next summer. Cabin 16's window and screen are shipshape. We have a handsome new table for Cabin 4 and plenty of kindling to split in spring. The blanket crew's labors will help keep us warm. Several (but who's counting) dandy stairs are built. Old benches are out and new ones are in. Curtains are down and folded for winter. The woods by the road and Labyrinth Trail are tidied. Flowerpots and boxes are emptied and put away, stickers are stuck on Camp brochures, the wood lot is raked, and all the dishes are washed and put away.

And the fabulous food you brought--oh, my happy tummy! Apple crisp and ice cream! Grilled pork chops, green salad, brownies, apple sauce, Caprese and broccoli salads, ginger snaps and chocolate chip cookies, bean and barley salad, guacamole and lime chips. Okay, just thinking about it, I'm full again.

The weather cooperated nicely. We had fun and super-productive work teams and yummy food (everything you brought!). We enjoyed welcoming nine new folks. We savored the massage and sauna with courageous lake-jumpers. We thought up a word that started with the first letter of our first names and did not describe us. Anyone remember who these folks are (not)? Hint, they are in the order they were given as we went around the room:

Trick or Treater

Thank you for your tremendous work, and love to you all. I hope you have a wonderful winter.

Nancy jo

P.S. Once the soreness eases out of your muscles, I hope you'll think about joining the gang for spring work weekend on May 4-6, 2012. Give me a call if you're interested.