Work Weekend - Spring 2011
Hello Work Weekenders,
A beautiful Saturday, good giggling, and luscious food marked this year's spring work weekend at Camp Van Vac.
Thanks for a great spring 2011 work weekend to Pat Schmid; Linden Bulloch; Kathy Johnston; Berta Zylla; Dave, Trudi, and Carol Juncker; Maura Barnett, Jonathan Hankins and Greg VonGeehl; Marnie Sims; Jacque Passow; Jeff Sundell; Jim Walsh; Greg Hamin; Dan and Maureen Hunt; Chris Frantsvog; Michelle Grabinger; and Marnie and Liz Sims.
You'd be amazed at all that was accomplished. Crew finished the windows in Cabin 4, worked on the tool room, cemented the front porch, put up the mailbox, did electrical stuff, raked paths, split and stacked wood, cleaned up the gardens, cleaned the woods around Cabin 1, put out the sign and flower box, improved the bench at the dock, cut and hauled trees from the woods, washed windows, hung curtains, and blew the conch.
Sending hugs!